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    medal 0
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Why the new music is nice...

For the 4.026/4.032 update, what do you think of it?

47.62% (10)
4.76% (1)
Great, with no flaws!
19.05% (4)
Good, better than the old one!
9.52% (2)
Okay, but the rating of the new music is the same as the old one
4.76% (1)
Not good. The old was better.
0% (0)
0% (0)
Very bad.
4.76% (1)
0% (0)
9.52% (2)
I don't know to say.
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medal 5000
3 years 251 days ago
Rate the new music that was changed in the 4.026/4.032 update. It's excellent, in my opinion!

It has nice mix of drama in racing! Sounds like music from an F1 game. 
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