Jimmy Richard medal 5000 3 years 261 days ago (Last edited by
Jimmy Richard 3 years 261 days ago)
When comparing a lighter driver (112lbs, male), to a heavier driver (132lbs, male), I don't see almost any difference. Tall drivers (on a forum), seem to have an advantage. But, none! Palmer's height is 5 feet and 10 inches, while Oliveira is shorter.
Oliveira's lap time (132): +0.369
Palmer (112): 1:35.428
The maximum fuel consumption for France for Oliveira was 2.89. Palmer did 2.90, and was faster.
Why was Palmer faster? His next lap had a fuel score consumption of 2.89. Are they the same? Is the weight functionality not implemented?
This is data for proof of comparing in driver weight. I compared this in France. I only did 1 lap for Oliveira.
Maybe iGP should implement this feature of when a driver has 112lbs, it would perform better than 132lbs.

Bill Stevens medal 5000 3 years 260 days ago
I don't think driver weight should have any impact. Other than his stamina. But the weight should be offset by the car so that all cars weigh the same.

Archie Bald medal 5917 3 years 260 days ago
Tall drivers (on a forum), seem to have an advantage. But, none!
If those that posted it have more wins than you, would be wise to listen.

Titan Jr medal 5000 3 years 259 days ago
Weight affects only practice and qualifying times, quite heavily too as you can see by the lap times you posted

James Greer medal 5000 3 years 259 days ago
There are some hidden gems floating about in the game if you take the time to find them. ?
In the past I've found that heavy drivers had an advantage in the wet and also low fuel consumption tracks in the dry. I just put it down to the extra weight giving them a better car balance.
Another thing for you to test out and look into, why are drivers with low composure and focus able to push the tyres harder for longer.