Hi James
Like I said, some of those times are now wrong because the sheet which you linked above has not been updated to reflect recent changes to some of the circuits.
A you know I'm a Mod and if there were an official table that was regularly updated then I would know about it and I would have provided a link.
I say again... with all the subtle changes the Devs are introducing at the moment the only way to be certain is to run a Private Lobby Quick Race shortly before your league race. I appreciate many Managers don't have time to do this but the risk if you don't is that your strategy will be based on inaccurate data.
This is my personal data. The British and Belgium times have been updated to reflect changes in early May and I have also updated Australia data in line with the rescaling that happened on the 18th June. But I won't guarantee the rest are accurate because the times are from early April shortly after the 3D update.