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Financial error

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medal 5000
3 years 238 days ago
O que você estava tentando fazer?

O que ocorreu de fato?
Okay, only now she's gone 12 million negative!!!!! And it wasn't supposed to be that!!!!
How are you going to leave the right amount that was ?!?!?!?! IN 2 OF JULY !!!!

O problema ocorre usando WiFi, internet móvel, ou ambos?

O bug ocorreu no aplicativo, PC ou ambos?

Qual é o sistema operacional do seu computador?
windows 10

Em qual navegador ocorreu o problema?

É possível reproduzir o problema?
Okay, only now she's gone 12 million negative!!!!! And it wasn't supposed to be that!!!!
How are you going to leave the right amount that was ?!?!?!?! IN 2 OF JULY !!!!

Comentários adicionais:
medal 5669 Community Manager
3 years 238 days ago
Hi Darthson

It was brought to our attention that this account received an unusually high amount of Daily Rewards due to a loophole that was recently patched. The items gained via this loophole have been removed from the account. No further action is required.

medal 5866
3 years 238 days ago

O que você estava tentando fazer?

O que ocorreu de fato?
Okay, only now she's gone 12 million negative!!!!! And it wasn't supposed to be that!!!!
How are you going to leave the right amount that was ?!?!?!?! IN 2 OF JULY !!!!

O problema ocorre usando WiFi, internet móvel, ou ambos?

O bug ocorreu no aplicativo, PC ou ambos?

Qual é o sistema operacional do seu computador?
windows 10

Em qual navegador ocorreu o problema?

É possível reproduzir o problema?
Okay, only now she's gone 12 million negative!!!!! And it wasn't supposed to be that!!!!
How are you going to leave the right amount that was ?!?!?!?! IN 2 OF JULY !!!!

Comentários adicionais:


medal 5000
3 years 237 days ago
On July 1st I closed my financial report with $1,156,205.
On 07/02 at 7:51 am I made an investment of 8.050,000 (5 tokens).
With the two daily rewards of 7:50 am on the 2nd I had a balance of $10,406,830.
That would be my real balance.
The Daily Rewards BUG started debiting my account at 22:20 hrs...
Would you like to know where is the amount credited to the account?!? for me to be left with a debt of -12 million?!?!?
Just look at my financial history to see!!!
Where is this credit they are talking about?!?
medal 6478
3 years 237 days ago

On July 1st I closed my financial report with $1,156,205.
On 07/02 at 7:51 am I made an investment of 8.050,000 (5 tokens).
With the two daily rewards of 7:50 am on the 2nd I had a balance of $10,406,830.
That would be my real balance.
The Daily Rewards BUG started debiting my account at 22:20 hrs...
Would you like to know where is the amount credited to the account?!? for me to be left with a debt of -12 million?!?!?
Just look at my financial history to see!!!
Where is this credit they are talking about?!?

You probably just incurred a penalty for not being ethical.

medal 5445 CEO & CTO
3 years 237 days ago
Your account has a history of abnormal Daily Rewards activity, as the mail you received would have explained. Duplicate Daily Rewards were reversed, which is why your balance changed, as cash was repeatedly claimed in duplicates. You were allowed to keep the first Daily Reward that you claimed each day, bringing the account back to parity with others. This was not the kind of thing one could do by accident on a regular basis...

Here are some examples from your own history showing timestamps when you claimed Daily Rewards by changing timezones.

The cash amounts highlighted in yellow are all examples of illegitimate cash transactions which have now been reversed. This is just a small sample of your account history and it wasn't always this frequent, but it illustrates the point.

P.S. For anyone that is concerned about how widespread this kind of activity was before it was addressed: Rest assured, there's no need to be suspicious of your leaguemates. Less than 1 in 1000 currently active users were engaging in this. It was extremely rare and almost nobody had found the loophole. I think when some of these individuals came out in public they thought it was widespread and others would be outraged and taking the same stance. It may be a surprise for them to discover that they were quite isolated.
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