Jazz Dhaliwal medal 5000 10 years 139 days ago
Hi all
On the hunt for new drivers and I saw that the skills view is only applicable to subscribers only? When did this happen?
Skills view should be open to all, I just see those who pay for the game to become more competitive whilst those who don't will eventually become the Caterhams and marussias of the f1 world as they won't have the tools to. Compete properly. Surely this needs to be enabled for all members?

Paul Oneill medal 5000 10 years 139 days ago
yeah ... I searched all the drivers on 20+ pages (took ages) and then I found out I still have another 980 pages to go. LOL

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 10 years 138 days ago
It's a convenience feature, and it had to be stripped from the free version due to how intensive it is on the server, now that we have tens, or hundreds of thousands of drivers to sort through.
There are of course many free games out there today, but many of those are run by companies with budgets that can absorb a constant drain on their resources while they figure out a business model. Regardless of any parallels or examples that can be drawn with other games, it's not a luxury we have at iGP and those are the facts.
If we're ever going to make iGP what it can be, our subscribers have to be our priority, not to provide the bulk of our support and resources for free. We will be maintaining the free version, but we will also be introducing some cheaper ways to obtain a subscription so that hopefully those who want conveniences and to support iGP will be able to do so more affordably.

Bill Watson medal 5000 10 years 138 days ago
Jack, has there been a recent purge on drivers? Most here know what they are looking for in regards to stats on a driver (talent, etc), doesn't it make sense to weed out drivers with stats that will likely never get them hired if they have been sitting out there for 3-6 months? The YDA is generating tons of drivers every day most of which are just dumped into the market.

Darth Vader medal 5000 10 years 138 days ago
Hi all,
The driver skills are visible in each driver resumé/stats page. Including for non subscribers.
At first glance it seems a titanic task to find what you desire amongst several K of drivers. But its not quite like that.
If you :
1) Know what you're looking for
2) Set the filters properly (and by doing that you dump the vast majority of drivers)
3) With the remaining visible drivers you rank them by 1 of the available parameters within the range you desire ( age, weight, health etc...).
4) Only need to search the hidden skills on drivers with the lvl you desire. And those you open each in a different window of your browser.
5) Open 6 or 8 different drivers at a time, close those that dont fit your criteria, and mark those that fit in your shortlist.
6) When you got 20 or 25 in your shortlist, hardly you wont find 1 that suits you. Because all those already suit several aspects you want.
I had recently to hire 2 new drivers. Thought it would take an eternity to observe them and choose.
Took me 20 mins to select them. (plus the 15 mins of their reply to my offer)

David B medal 5000 10 years 136 days ago
Yeah I 100% agree that 'convenience' features like this should be reserved for subscribers. ESPECIALLY if it causes a drain on resources.
I'm eagerly awaiting new subscriber plans as I feel it is a bit steep at the moment.