Diego Demarziani medal 5000 3 years 238 days ago (Last edited by
Diego Demarziani 3 years 238 days ago)
Hello, today during the race the driver enters the pits for the stop but in the pitlane the race crashes, at the new access car withdrawn .. Has anyone ever happened?

Gerard VC medal 5000 3 years 238 days ago
I'll assume you didn't repair your car for a while and it was just a coincidence it failed in the pits?

Frank Thomas medal 4997 Moderator 3 years 238 days ago
Nice theory, but not after 7 laps. However the more than 30s and the 28 places lost during the in-lap, the car did manage to cross the finish line in pits, suggests running out of fuel. The crash could be the result of a slight desync with the car reaching pits in client but not on the server and not being able to resolve the situation of having a car in pits but not getting the expected data for a stop the client crashed, but that's something for the devs to figure out.

Diego Demarziani medal 5000 3 years 238 days ago
but it doesn't explain the race display crash ... and the gasoline was about a liter

Frank Thomas medal 4997 Moderator 3 years 238 days ago
The race report gives a litre of fuel for lap 7 (I also can't see details for other teams)? That's curious as that lap time isn't normal, 7 laps on Supers doesn't look extreme but what's the report for tyres?

Titan Jr medal 5000 3 years 238 days ago
You could ask your league members if they saw anything about your driver retiring, which I think is fuel (or a car in front running out of fuel) as there is no way a car will have a 30s+ pit stop even in tracks like Austria. Otherwise you could send a screenshot here to prove it was actually one liter

Diego Demarziani medal 5000 3 years 238 days ago
Frank the tires were at 40% at the pit stop