Makoto Nakano medal 5432 3 years 232 days ago
I'm having a bug in a professional class in a league I manage.
The top teams from the previous season will not be promoted to the elite class and the bottom teams will not be demoted to the rookie class. However, teams have moved from the elite and rookie classes, so there are currently 19 teams in the pro class.
I had the same problem before and I reported it to you, but you didn't do anything. Be sure to solve this problem this time.
Please fix my broken league.

Connor Cooper medal 5352 Super Mod 3 years 232 days ago
I have flagged this thread to the support team's attention.

Makoto Nakano medal 5432 3 years 232 days ago
Currently, it is closed with a password to prevent new teams from entering the elite class. It will be canceled if you give instructions.
The opening round of the new season will be tomorrow at 12:00 JST. Please resolve this issue by then.

Connor Cooper medal 5352 Super Mod 3 years 232 days ago
The Community Manager has manually promoted and relegated the respective managers and restored your league to the correct tier numbers.
Thank you for locking the league and putting a password on it as it made it easier for the managers to be moved.
I have marked this thread as solved.

Makoto Nakano medal 5432 3 years 231 days ago
Thank you! Thank you so much!