Kevin Bissell medal 5000 Super Mod 3 years 175 days ago (Last edited by
Kevin Bissell 3 years 175 days ago)
Hi Stefan.
OK... With a 5 star CD you receive 16dp per race which is banked towards the starting design for next season (strength 3dp, weakness 1 dp and the remaining six attributes 2dp).
So in a 22 race season with a 5 star CD every race you should expect to have a total of 22 x 16 = 352 points (before applying supplier modifiers)
You lost your previous CD so I assume the game replaced him/her with a default 0.5 star CD. How many races before you replaced the default CD with another 5 star?
This is most likely the reason for your poor starting design. I tested a 15 race season with various CDs, the results are in the table below. As you can see I didn't bother going below 3.5 star but even with a mid-range CD the reduction in next season design is significant.
15 race season with 5 star = 240 dp
15 race season with 3.5 star = 183 dp (57 dp deficit)
Edit. BTW, for future reference you could have fixed this by joining another league during your season break and re-joining your league.