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about CSV

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medal 5432
3 years 230 days ago
I want you to separate the driver name and team name in the race result exported by CSV.
medal 5457 Moderator
3 years 230 days ago (Last edited by M. Truche 3 years 229 days ago)
Hi Makoto,

Just a copy/paste of a tip I had posted on the forum. Maybe not the perfect solution, but it works.

Don't know if it can help you, but here a small trick to split drivers / teams to download a well formated CSV.

  1. In your web browser, create a new bookmark (favorite)

  2. Fill the address/URL field of this bookmark with the snippet of Javascript (see below)

  3. To use it, go on the race result and open your bookmark (the table will be update and you can use the Export CSV button)

Javascript function (last update 20/07 20h05) :

Example :


medal 5432
3 years 230 days ago
I tried this on Chrome for Mac but it didn't work.
medal 5000
3 years 230 days ago
This would be useful but I can't get it to work, I am using office 2019. Not sure I follow you on the bookmark part.
medal 5033
3 years 230 days ago
This would be useful but I can't get it to work, I am using office 2019. Not sure I follow you on the bookmark part.

That is done in the web browser, not in Office.

Paste the following in the search bar:

javascript:(function()%7Bvar%20k=document.getElementById("csvRace");fix=$(k).html().replace(/ /g,',').replace(/<br>/g,'<td>').trim();$(k).html(fix);hder=k.getElementsByTagName('th')[1];hder.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend','<th>Team</th>');document.getElementsByClassName("gold")[0].textContent=1;document.getElementsByClassName("silver")[0].textContent=2;document.getElementsByClassName("bronze")[0].textContent=3;%7D)();

medal 5000
3 years 229 days ago
Still no luck never mind. Thanks for the effort though.
medal 5457 Moderator
3 years 229 days ago
I tried this on Chrome for Mac but it didn't work.

My bad, I did not see the HTML table had changed. I have updated the Javascript function to solve the issue.

Let's try to explain how to use it :

  • Firefox

  1. Open Firefox

  2. Ctrl B (to open bookmarks view)

  3. Right click

  4. Add a bookmark

  5. Name : iGP CSV (does not matter)

  6. URL : copy/paste the javascript function posted below

  7. Save

  • Chrome

  1. Open Chrome

  2. Ctrl Shift O (to open bookmarks view)

  3. Right click

  4. Add new bookmark

  5. Name : iGP CSV (does not matter)

  6. URL: copy/paste the javascript function posted below

  7. Save

New Javascript function :

Now, go to the results page you wanted to dowload as CSV.
Click on the "iGP CSV" bookmark. A new column with team name should be visible in the table.
Download CSV file as usual.
medal 5000
3 years 229 days ago
Now working fine, good job. Thanks
medal 5432
3 years 229 days ago
I did it well! This is useful! Thank you very much!
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