Alan Wilson medal 5000 10 years 118 days ago
Hi. I just finished doing a race in Spain, and my driver were pitting one lap earlier than expected.
The last couple of seasons, they have used 3.43 litres of fuel per lap. I did my setup for this season's race with that info. They ended up pitting with 3.5 litres of fuel left, but when I calculated the fuel usage when the race finished, they were using 3.43 litres just as I expected them to do. So they ended up pitting every 8 laps instead of 9.
Why did they pit when they still had enough fuel to do the 9th lap?
Link to the race... http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-result/449272/176155

Michael Bleggi medal 5000 10 years 118 days ago
i've had a driver take laps that they don't have enough fuel to finish. I'm pretty sure drivers make mistakes like this based on their mental training.. correct me if i'm wrong

Duncan Cunningham medal 5000 10 years 115 days ago
it seems as though making the pit stop uses more fuel than simply passing it by.. seems that way, don't you think?

Bill Watson medal 5000 10 years 114 days ago
Drivers tend to do odd things when fuel will be 0.xx if they run an additional lap, add 1L to the total fuel and problem solved and the weight penalty for 1L is negligible.

Jason Chen medal 5000 10 years 112 days ago
This just happened to me. I had 3.9 L of fuel left and yet my driver pitted... Each lap was 3.7L

Gage Reisinger medal 5000 10 years 111 days ago
My driver pitted with 6.5L left when each lap was only 4.1L

Brandon Holtzhausen medal 5000 10 years 111 days ago
yeah had the same problem and ended up being a lap sort of my planned stops and cost me a few possitions for no reason.... had more than enough to go around for another lap on all my stops

Ryder Smith medal 5000 10 years 110 days ago
Guys Remember, They Don't Only Go in for Fuel They Go in For Tyres Too, My driver Pitted With 7L Left, But It was scheduled. Cause My tyres were Down to .5% Nearly had a Puncture. Still Won that race. ^_^

Brandon Holtzhausen medal 5000 10 years 108 days ago
had the same problem in my friday race again and still had more than enough tire % left but pitted with 7.1 ltr, this one cost me the race cus i lost by 0.230sec to the winner not cool!

Ben Shufflebottom medal 5000 10 years 84 days ago
I've just had this same problem, my driver pitted with one lap to go, 15% tyres left and around 8L of fuel when a lap is 4.1L! Thankfully this didn't cost me a place, it may have done at another time!
I've just come back after around 12 months away, it's disappointing to see these problems are still happeing!
I subscribed thinking the game would have moved on in the time I've been away, so far I see no advancement :(

Uncle Albert medal 5000 10 years 84 days ago
Some of the issues since I signed up 3 yrs ago are still around to this day but I promise you that things have improved.
Lag, Connection, full drops to re-starting have vastly improved in the past few months.
It's an interesting time you have come back because the iGP staff have had a move around with new faces.. and they are doing the job. They just needed the time to go through someone elses work 1st.. (Which must be a nightmare for any dev.)
Don't take this the wrong way.. but next time. Don't try and push the levels so close and if it's 3.8 per lap.. Do the laps you need on the calculator and then +1 for extra pushing when needed.. It's always better to finish 2nd with 1.5 on, than having to pit on the last laps which may cost a lot more.

Jason Chen medal 5000 10 years 83 days ago
Did you guys consider the possibility of tyre punctures? When you wear your tyres down to 0% punctures occur, and then your driver autopits.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 10 years 83 days ago
I had the same problem some time back, but I already knew the cause of it. You may need to keep your push level at the intended push level rather than raising it at the end of a stint. Otherwise, add an extra litre of fuel to all your stints.

Jason Mcrae medal 5000 10 years 60 days ago
ok looked at race info and worked out the problem, not sure if i can understand the logic but here it is,
my director says my fuel should be 3.4 ltr a lap i actually used 3.1 a lap
pit 1 was at lap 12 i stopped at lap 12 with 3.5ltr fuel left.
pit 2 was at lap 24 i stopped on lap 25 with 0.1ltr fuel left.
so question is why did i stop on first stop with 1 lap of fuel left and on 2nd stop do an extra left and run out ofin the pit lane fuel.
just dont get it lol.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 10 years 60 days ago
Before pit 1 and pit 2, did you raise your push level very high?

Jason Mcrae medal 5000 10 years 60 days ago
not sure cant remember but would have only been half a lap seeing aas the temp was so hot. but ive always done that and never come across this problem

Ian B medal 5008 10 years 60 days ago
It can depend on your position on the grid and where your pitbox is. If you're at the back of the grid then you use some fuel before the first lap starts and if your pitbox is past the finish line then you use more fuel on an in-lap than a normal lap (more so on some tracks than others).

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 10 years 59 days ago
It can depend on your position on the grid and where your pitbox is. If you're at the back of the grid then you use some fuel before the first lap starts and if your pitbox is past the finish line then you use more fuel on an in-lap than a normal lap (more so on some tracks than others).
You hit the hammer on the nail.

Jason Mcrae medal 5000 10 years 59 days ago
ok still dont understand both of the stints were filled with the same fuel stopped at the same place in the pits, still dont explain why i stopped 12 laps on the first stint with fuel left over , and then 13 laps on stint 2 (which should have been 12) and ran out of fuel.

Toto Wolff medal 5000 10 years 57 days ago
Did you change what lap you should be pitting on or cancel your planned stop because on the pit strategy box(in race) if you dont have enough fuel to do a second lap the pit in bar will turn green and say pitting.