Matthieu Bruggeman medal 5000 3 years 97 days ago
thank you for your efforts lately to improve the game.
just a suggestion, isn't it more priority that the strategy be followed as we have indicated instead of a bot continuing despite running out of gas instead of being able to put mustaches on its pilot? isn't it a basic strategy game?
Sergiy Nevidomo medal 5014 3 years 96 days ago
Basic strategy game and IGP these are two different things
Matthieu Bruggeman medal 5000 3 years 96 days ago
It’s a manager game so if the game doesn’t follow what you put it’s a s*** game… but you are happy to put hat on your pilot.. the last update is the big s*** too.. or how to make a game « pay to win »… you are killing the game gentlemen .. instead of listening to old players