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    medal 0
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In progress
1 keyboard tap equal four letter on message text boxes

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medal 5000
3 years 193 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 3 years 193 days ago)
What did you try to do?
I press one key on the keyboard, then delete the input

What happened instead?
The outcome instead shows four digits of the same press and when deleting it, it wipes out the entire text box

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?
Windows 10

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
The iGP desktop app

Can the bug be reproduced?
Maybe not. Instead sometimes, when tapping two keys it displays the first two digits correctly, but only to get themselves multiplied

Additional comments:

when typing

when erasing

try tapping "well done"
medal 4888
3 years 185 days ago
What did you try to do?
ii ccaanntt tthhiinnkk ooff aa wwaayy ttoo ffiixx tthhiiss

What happened instead?
ii ssttiillll hhaavvee ddoouubbllee iinnppuuttss

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?
WWiinnddoowwss 1100

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
tthhee PPCC aapppp

Can the bug be reproduced?
iitt hhaappppeennss eevveerryy ttiimmee ii ttyyppee

Additional comments:
ssoorrrryy iiff iittss hhaarrdd ttoo rreeaadd bbuutt tthheerree iissnntt mmuucchh cchhooiiccee ffoorr mmee,, eevveenn bbaacckkssppaaccee iiss aa ddoouubbllee iinnppuutt..
medal 4888
3 years 185 days ago
ii  hhaavvee  tthhee  ssaammee  iissssuuee  bbuutt  iittss  oonnllyy  22  iinnppuuttss  rraatthheerr  tthhaann  44..  oohh  wwaaiitt  yyeeaahh  uu  ccaann  sseeee  iitt  hheerree..  ppllss  ffiixx..
medal 5000
3 years 185 days ago

The bugs can be reproduced but occasionally one tap will show 2 letters on the text box
medal 5866
3 years 184 days ago
Darn, I’ve double vision, I should go and see two doctors.

Edit: pls select this as best solution selected by jose trujillo 
medal 5466 Super Mod
3 years 184 days ago

I have merged multiple threads together and escalated it to the developer team. Thank you for reporting this issue.
medal 5000
3 years 180 days ago


I have merged multiple threads together and escalated it to the developer team. Thank you for reporting this issue.

Copy that... thanks for the observation
medal 5669 Community Manager
3 years 140 days ago

This bug is already addressed on testing builds, it'll be included in the next standalone app update. Thank you for the report.
medal 5000
3 years 135 days ago
De nada José. This issue somehow doesn't go to live race chats. Only for text boxes such as league chat and forum writing spaces...
medal 5669 Community Manager
3 years 135 days ago
Hello Aulia,

Yes, issue is isolated on the webside of the game, unity side is safe. Again, my most sincere thank you for your patience, we keep working on the next update!
medal 5000
3 years 134 days ago
Take the action carefully. I am also glad to be able sorting out things....
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