Albert Clemente medal 5000 10 years 97 days ago
Hi people,
I have a doubt: in the past i have had a few drivers on +15 level. As I can see on my league, the majority of them are below from mine and I cannot do a good race with mine. All the time, drivers with level 10 fuck level 13 and above. Why is this? there's any reason? I thought improving tech and mental would be a nice idea, but it doesn't.

Joe Nathan medal 5000 10 years 96 days ago
Are you checking the health too? A really low health would alter the skill level of the driver.

Jonathan Palmer medal 5206 10 years 96 days ago
Maybe try training other areas first... It's not just the groups that count but individual skills are very important.

aCb Chapman medal 5000 10 years 96 days ago
In my experience: Most important thing on a driver is Talent.
Then comes Health, Reflexes and Stamina.
So if all skills are trained to 19-20, the talent 20 driver will beat the Talent 15 driver for sure.
Most times a Talent 20 driver with a rating of 14 will beat a Talent 15 driver with a rating of 19+.
That's my experience, but did no studies on it, as that game is for fun and not a full time job...

Albert Clemente medal 5000 10 years 96 days ago
Hi All, thanks a lot for your answers.
E.g, my drivers:
Torres: health 100%, talent 19, level 13 with speed, physical, attack and defense ~19/20. 26 y.o. P10 and very discrete races
Campos: health 100%, talent 20, level 13 with speed, physical, attack and defense ~19/20. 28 y.o P16, the same.
e.g. drivers from Element X racing team:
Nieto: health 100%, talent ?, level 11 with speed, physical, attack and defense below 19/20. 20 y.o. He is gonna win the champ with 284 pts.
I don't understad what is supossed to do, then. I had this driver and I fired him for not winning: http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=team-driver/360697

Sly Pig medal 5000 10 years 96 days ago
I've seen in posts that working on Mental and Technical slows the driver down. My driver has 1 for almost all technical and Mental attribs but high on the physical, speed, attack and defense areas, he does alot of winning when I get the setup prep and strats right for the race, oh and a 70% plus car to race in.

Albert Clemente medal 5000 10 years 96 days ago
I've that fact too, Duncan. My drivers, the highest point on M and T is 4, the rest are 1-2.
So, all of this is about to prepare the race properly. But how? I use the race tool pined in this forum, I base it on what my TD says, and on temps. And nothing, all is wrong. Any tip?

Hijo De Santo medal 5000 10 years 96 days ago
It's worth mentioning that there is a "hidden" element with all drivers that affects how they compete. So even a 20-talent driver with max health/stamina, attack, and defend might still be slower than a lower-talent driver with lower attributes.

Albert Clemente medal 5000 10 years 96 days ago
which hidden element? :O didn't know

James Thorpe medal 5000 10 years 96 days ago
I asume that the hidden element is something that does not appear in the drivers stats, but which first is shed to light in races.
A little while ago I had 2 drivers that where 99,9% the same in all stats, but one would always finish 8-10s ahead of the other, whilst the other was much better on his tyres and also in the Wet, even though none of the stats would suggest that.

Albert Clemente medal 5000 10 years 95 days ago
Thanks James, didn't know that. It's true, that drivers with equal stats are a bit different, but didn't know that there's a x factor hidden...
Maybe Jack or some of the crew could clarify this?

Duncan Cunningham medal 5000 10 years 94 days ago
Prep = Car setup before the race quailifying

jordan scavo medal 5000 10 years 94 days ago
You also need to take car development into account. Element X's car was over 90% near the start of the season.

Albert Clemente medal 5000 10 years 93 days ago
prep for prepare, yes Duncan :)
Jordan, mine was at 100%...

David Blundell medal 5000 10 years 93 days ago
Yep. Don't train Mental or Techincal. I had a 20 Talent, 19 everything else driver and he was getting beaten by lvl 13&14 drivers. 100% car, good strats. Same strat as the race winners. Was consistently a 1/10th or 2/10ths slower every lap.
Just train Physical, Speed, Attacking, Defending in that order. Also make sure your driver is 100% health at all times.

Albert Clemente medal 5000 10 years 93 days ago
Ok David, thanks lot, that is what I was doing, alike I have that problem with 10ths. Let me put in practise what u say (order for training), I will tell you.

Duncan Cunningham medal 5000 10 years 93 days ago
David Blundel is correct. A member of our league "Alex Gillon's League" told us about that and the ones who follow it are all up top now.

Albert Clemente medal 5000 10 years 92 days ago
Ok, Duncan. Thanks for confirm.
One question, what's that of "strats"?

Duncan Cunningham medal 5000 10 years 92 days ago
Al, sorry I was being lazy, 'Strategy'. Whether to go for a 2 stopper or 3 and what tyres can last the laps. Now that it is winter the SuperSoft tyres are working and kept cool enough that many are racing on them more. I've found that I can do a 3 stopper and SS tyres and be quicker than (lighter too) than a 2 stopper on Softs.

Albert Clemente medal 5000 10 years 92 days ago
Great Duncan!! very good info. What about spring/summer? the same but with softs?