Chris Stanley medal 5097 3 years 192 days ago
Suggestion: disallow or penalise leaving, momentarily joining another league and then re-joining first league to reset car attributes to current chief designer’s strength and weakness attributes
Seems like a bit of an exploit, removes planning car design in season before

Antonio Ascari medal 5618 3 years 192 days ago
Nope, it has its purpose when leveling up. When you go from level 5 to let’s say level 9 in one season, you can have a 5 star cd all season, just because you were low level at start of season means your next seasons car will be sh*t in terms of dp
Leave and rejoin means your car is at least competitive

Mark Spencer medal 5000 3 years 192 days ago
I agree with you Chris, it is definitely a game exploit.
You could use 1 star CD(s) all during the past season, but if you have managed to find a 5 star CD in the season break, you can leave and rejoin, and hey presto, the poor car that the designers made, suddenly becomes a very strong car instantly.
Makes no sense from a realism or fair game perspective.
Adding a 3 day cooldown to rejoining a league you left could be the answer to limit this exploit. That, or lock in the past season's CD research, so that the next season's car accurately reflects what designers you used.

Archie Bald medal 5154 3 years 192 days ago
Simply make it a rule of your league. Problem solved.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 3 years 192 days ago
The Devs already tried to remove this exploit maybe a year or more back and we ended up with the N+1 design bug.
Ironically, the only way a manager can reset an overpowered N+1 design is to do the very thing the Devs tried to prevent which resulted in the bug in the first place... phew.
Like the previous poster says, if the majority of members don't like people doing this they either make it a local league rule which means they can legitimately remove people who break the rule or the host sets a password shortly before the final race to prevent people from re-joining if they do leave during the break.

Gert Rose medal 5001 Super Mod 3 years 192 days ago
Absolutely agree, Chris. Part of team management is taking care of both current season as next season car development at the same time. This exploit takes that aspect completely away.

Gianfranco Scribi medal 5009 3 years 186 days ago
I second what Gert wrote .

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 3 years 186 days ago
Need to fix the bug first...
New teams always win league