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League research

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medal 5966
3 years 168 days ago
Cosa hai provato a fare?
Find a league with a rookie team

Cosa è successo invece?
I didn't find a league that i know that exist

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Può essere riprodotto il bug?
I didn't find that league because there are no teams in rookie (even if elite is full and there are also player in pro)

Commenti addizionali:
I think that there is a reason, however I think it is not reasonable do not suggest this league but suggest a league in a different hour. I think it is better suggest all league before.

Best Solution -- Selected by Doe Hache

medal 5000
3 years 167 days ago
Sorry, but your idea of showing all leagues just because they "exist"  is counterintuitive.

Why would it be suggested to a Rookie account a league that only has Elite managers? If the Rookie entered that league it wouldn't even race until another random Rookie joins in.

Yes, the current league search isn't perfect, but this would just make it even worse as it would add hundreds, if not thousands, of leagues to the list and the only ones being picked would be the first ones as we have today ?‍♂️ If you know the league by name, search it by name or through a friend/player of that league!

What could be added in the future is a more specific name search or a search per league number (kind of useful for mobile users instead of getting the number and editing a random league link ?)
For me it's a straight no ?
medal 5000
3 years 167 days ago
Sorry, but your idea of showing all leagues just because they "exist"  is counterintuitive.

Why would it be suggested to a Rookie account a league that only has Elite managers? If the Rookie entered that league it wouldn't even race until another random Rookie joins in.

Yes, the current league search isn't perfect, but this would just make it even worse as it would add hundreds, if not thousands, of leagues to the list and the only ones being picked would be the first ones as we have today ?‍♂️ If you know the league by name, search it by name or through a friend/player of that league!

What could be added in the future is a more specific name search or a search per league number (kind of useful for mobile users instead of getting the number and editing a random league link ?)
For me it's a straight no ?
medal 5000
3 years 167 days ago
Igp manager campionato tranquillo alle 17:30 prova li
medal 5000
3 years 167 days ago
A league search by race distance is also needed in the filter system.
medal 5966
3 years 167 days ago
After reading Juanito answer, I understand why it is done in this way and I can be agree with you, so please close this bug report

medal 5021
3 years 167 days ago
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