Silent Bob medal 5000 13 years 70 days ago
How does this work then?
Last race at China 28 laps told 4.3 litres of fuel per lap.
So I set my strategy up so there was just enough fuel for the race, with keep a competitive pace.
Doing a 6 11 11 stint split
Qualified 3rd on softs
First stint 6 laps 4 litres fuel left
Added 49 litres, switched to hard tyres
Second Stint 13 laps 1 litre of fuel left.
Added 48 litres of fuel, put hard tyres on again
Third stint 9 laps 14.8 litres of fuel left at finish - way too much fuel left.
So the questions raised are:-
1. Is the pre race strategy advice way out?
2. Does the hard tyre consume less fuel due to running slower?
3. Does driving at a consistent competive pace consume less fuel than pushing hard?

Dean Boy medal 5000 13 years 70 days ago
In a quick reply, the 4.3l/lap you were \'told\' was your tech director\'s estimate, and im guessing you only have a level 3 tech director?
Thsi is only an estimate, based on your tech directors skill...i have a level 5, and he isnt much better! i think its down to experience after a few seasons....
so in responce;
1. Yes it can be, dependant upon the skill of your tech director.
2. I dont think so, but am reletivley inexperienced in the game myself, so stand to be corrected...
3. Yes it does....on my 2d trial, i found i was only saving about 0.2l/lap from consistant/push hard...
Hope this helps in the short term, before someone more experienced corrects me....

Leon James medal 5000 13 years 70 days ago
I can answer this, but I\'m not sure how much of this information is stuff the developers intend(ed) for each player to learn for themselves.
[*]The lower the level of your TD the more he/she will overestimate the fuel per lap. (This means you won\'t run out of fuel) However your drivers will keep going till they need more fuel to complete another lap. This is why your driver did 13 laps on stint 2.
[*]The tyre compound makes no (direct) difference to fuel consumption.
[*]The hard you push the more fuel you use. The more you back off the more fuel you save.
The most important thing is to keep the tyre temperatures as close to optimal as you can. This is dependant on the tyre compound and how hard you push. You will need to push harder on hard tyres than softs to keep the ideal temperature. Thus you should actually use more fuel on hard tyres. On soft tyres at some circuits you will need to back off to stop them overheating. On those circuits pushing will actually be slower (over several laps).

Dean Boy medal 5000 13 years 70 days ago
Thats nice, i didnt realise the amount you \'push\' affects the temp of your tyres...
so where i have put softs on, and actually been slower than hards, this is because they have overheated? i see....

Silent Bob medal 5000 13 years 70 days ago
Thanks for the advice. Ive done a spreadsheet of my races thus far and can see my prediction is over by 0.5l fuel a lap - which soon adds up.
Also Ive realised something about the fuel added during a pit stop.
E.G. You do not add 49 litresof fuel but you FILL TO 49 litres.
i.e. if you had 4.1 litres left at a stint you are only adding 45.9 litres.
I can now (on the basis of my races so far as theyve been fairly constant) predict my fuel required more acurately.

Dean Boy medal 5000 13 years 69 days ago
thats good news for you, and not so much for your competitors!