Dean Boy medal 5000 13 years 70 days ago
Hi Jack,
Do you have any intentions of allowing any further office upgrades?
I have (what appears to be) my full allocation of staff, but being greedy, still want more!
Im guessing this is intentional, as its down (managers) to us to find a good balance...
Im particularly concerned, when markerters \'come into play\' as i only have 5!
Anyone else find themselves short a few bodies?
Unknown medal 0 13 years 69 days ago
it\'s always not enough... i have just 1 marketer btw

Dean Boy medal 5000 13 years 69 days ago
yeah i know, the frustrating thing, is that from one race to the next, i need VASTLY differing amounts of Engineers/Mechanics...so some races they are underused, and some, i cannot refit the parts i need to....
Im guessing, what i am asking, is will there ever be any plans to increase it, of is that what we will have to work to, like it or lump it....?

Leon James medal 5000 13 years 69 days ago
I suspect the system is designed with the intention that you frequently hire/fire support staff between races. i.e. if you don\'t need so many engineers/mechanics for the next race you fire some and hire some designers. Next race you don\'t have enough engineers/mechanics so you fire some designers to make room for more engineers/mechanics.
You\'ll probably have enough money to do this.

Joey Zyla medal 5000 13 years 69 days ago
Once I get my fifth level I\'ll have 50 of each, I currently have 50 designers, 40 engineers, 40 mechanics, and 30 marketers. This sounds like a good idea, though. I wonder how many staff members Red Bull has...

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 13 years 69 days ago
being greedy, still want more!