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2D Viewer

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medal 5000
9 years 356 days ago
Hey all,

So I am currently unable to use my 2D viewer (black/grey screen)

I reinstalled java 7, and still get black/grey screens 90% of the time.

On the odd time I am able to join, it rubber bands like crazy / becomes unresponsive despite having 80/10 d/u speeds

any help with this?

medal 5000
9 years 356 days ago (edited 9 years 356 days ago)
Hi Craig sorry to hear your having trouble.

If your computer is a 64bit computer you will need to install both 32bit and 64bit Java.

Also make sure the Java is enabled in your web browser plugins.

You said it is working now and again??

Try this anti-rootkill tool its free. Removes rootkits and repairs damage.
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