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Ideal Setup NOT Ideal?

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medal 5382
2 years 337 days ago
I didn’t have time to go through the normal setup for today’s race before the window closed (I very much dislike setups/strategies being locked TEN minutes before, that’s too much time for weather to change and make your setup wrong!), so I used 3 stars to purchase the ideal setup for each driver (so 6 stars total).  One driver was fine, said all of the settings were ideal, but the next driver said all three settings were wrong, and then the the setup locked, so I couldn’t even see change it.  The precipitation meter didn’t change, it was still at 0mm, so it didn’t suddenly start raining or have a wet track in the 1 second between one drivers setup and the next, so could this be a bug?  I took a screenshot that shows the ideal setup option grayed out (meaning I already bought it), and the driver telling me all three categories were wrong setup, but I’m sending this from my phone so I’m not sure how to upload it.
medal 4985 Moderator
2 years 336 days ago (Last edited by Frank Thomas 2 years 336 days ago)
The setup is right, the drivers comment is wrong. There are two possibilities when this can happen. One would have been the mentioned weather change if the last practice lap was held under conditions and the driver comments on the basis of those. The second, which happened here as you told the weather didn't change but also as all 3 were shown wrong as weather only affects 2, is a case after setup locks and the system switching to the next track for practice the driver commenting on the basis of the setup values of the track run after the current race.

The ten minutes are unfortunately neccessary to allow the system time to prepare the races, run the thousands of Qualifying laps for all the races about to start and mostly to allow people to start the race viewer and let it load the track to give them a chance to join the race before lights out and not somewhen around lap 2 in case of a slightly slower connection or device.
medal 5000
2 years 336 days ago
Is it be possible if your driver's mental value is low, the driver gives a wrong comment? If the driver provides the ideal input all the time, what is the use of knowledge skill? 
medal 5000
2 years 335 days ago (Last edited by Skid Solo 2 years 335 days ago)
Is it be possible if your driver's mental value is low, the driver gives a wrong comment? If the driver provides the ideal input all the time, what is the use of knowledge skill? 

No it has no impact.  Ride Height is driven purely by driver height and wings by driver ability.  The description for knowledge is a hangover from the original browser game, but has no impact on setup now.

medal 5152
2 years 334 days ago
Ideal Setup is always ideal.

I did notice (although it may have been a bug) a driver giving wrong feedback when he had a low Knowledge skill so I guess it does impact the feedback.

Not the actual ideal setup though, height is the only changing factor there between drivers.
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