Charles Sandfer medal 5000 9 years 351 days ago
Is there a limit of how many sets of a compound you can use in a single race because in a league i run someone went and ran 4 stints of super softs which i didnt think would be possible obviously he won the race since he only ran super softs and everyone else ran at least one stint of softs
Scott Taylor medal 5000 9 years 351 days ago
You can use any amount of whichever tires you want. You are not required to use any of the compounds in a race.
Charles Sandfer medal 5000 9 years 351 days ago
kind of a weird idea if you ask me in the sense of there are limits of the tires you receive in real life but oh well
J March medal 5000 9 years 350 days ago
is the no. of allowed stints limited the same to all racing durations?
At the moment I'm in a 50% league, I can only setup 5 stints. Wondering, if I would get to end in a 100% league with onlay 5 stints!
Jake Hall medal 5000 9 years 350 days ago
You can have as many stints as you want during the race, however in the setup you can only set 5.
Percy Wright medal 5000 9 years 350 days ago
@Jake, THAT makes more sense!
Jake Hall medal 5000 9 years 350 days ago
Yep :), when you need stop 6+ you just change the unscheduled pit stop each time.
J March medal 5000 9 years 350 days ago
Just for understanding:
if I'm not online, what tactics will be choosen for the stints 6+?
The same like for stint #5, or what?
I B medal 5320 9 years 350 days ago
It will repeat the last stint you set until the end of the race.
We tried having a 'must use 2 tyre types' rule in another league I race in but It severely handicapped those who couldn't attend as you can't set stint push levels separately so was dropped.
Charles Sandfer medal 5000 9 years 350 days ago
ya one person thought of doing that and i didn't like the idea for that reason and the reason of most people in my league dont seem to change from the basic strategy and i would not see them changing that even if we did do a 2 tire type rule