Hello guys, I need help. This is my first time creating my own league. My question is, can we really change the league schedule as we want? I've tried changing it many times and of course I saved the settings. But there is no change at all. And why when I'm in this league my design points are all reset? I mean it's not like usual, it's even reset until there are only 1 or 2 points left in each sector, except for sectors that use suppliers
Kevin Bissellmedal 5084Super Mod 3 years 120 days ago
Any changes to the league schedule are only applied in the next season. The calendar for your current season (even if the first race has not yet taken place) has already been generated and can't be changed.
The first season a league exists is different from other seasons. You have already discovered that all car attributes are reset to a very low figure, you will also find (assuming you get enough players) that the number of promotions will be higher than normal.
Out of interest, why did you create a new league? Couldn't you find an existing one that suited your requirements?
Hmm okay thats clear, thank you for the informations. I created a new league for the garage of some of my accounts, but i also did it for research. I guess it will be better if i can setup the whole league my self.