Steve Oh medal 5000 3 years 110 days ago
I joined a league and didn't know know the pro tier was empty until I joined. Because there were no other teams there were no races but I was fined for leaving to find a new one.

Connor Cooper medal 5325 Super Mod 3 years 110 days ago
Monetary fines for leaving leagues are in place to try to reduce 'league hopping' (where manager would leave and join leagues repetitively to try to gain a competitive edge on their rivals).

Martin Hudson medal 5033 3 years 110 days ago
Monetary fines are in place as per above.

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 3 years 110 days ago
Hello Steve,
I understand it was just a mistake and you weren’t looking to exploit the system. For this time I have refunded the fee.