Randy Marsh medal 5000 3 years 59 days ago
Hello Managers and Racer,
my Host made a new account and is participating in our League again, is it possible to change the Host to his new acc? Or just transfer it to another person?
Asking for him, his English isn't great and he's about to create a new league once we're done with our actual.
Frank Thomas medal 4985 Moderator 3 years 59 days ago
I'll flag this thread to support to ask if the host could be transferred.
In case of a no, after 14 days of inactivity a button appears in the league info page beside the username of the host, however only accounts being in the league for 20 days can take over and promotion resets the counter.
José Trujillo medal 5290 Community Manager 3 years 59 days ago
From the league settings the host can transfer the role to his other account.