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Patch 4.050: Known Issues

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medal 5049 CEO & CTO
2 years 311 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 2 years 311 days ago)
Some minor issues were known from testing while others only became apparent after release (such as the map offset on rescaled tracks, which wasn't present in testing). Rest assured that we will be applying hotfixes for all issues listed here at the earliest available opportunity, which could be as early as Friday, depending on app store review times.

4.050 Known issues needing hotfixes:

  • 2D Viewer - On the five rescaled circuits only (Belgium, China, Malaysia, Mexico and Singapore) there is a visual offset from the map image. This is only a visual alignment issue and functionally nothing is impacted. If you would like to avoid this then the only temporary workaround would be to run these circuits in 3D mode until the hotfix is released.

  • 3D Viewer (iOS only) - A pink rectangle appears behind cars (a missing texture) in 3D mode when it's raining and you are using any camera except TV Cams. If you happen to encounter this and want to eliminate it then a temporary workaround is to use TV cams.

  • France 3D circuit - TV cams are incorrect when in the pit lane only.

  • 2D Viewer - BOOST and DRS indicators can be overlapped by car icons or dots.

medal 5049 CEO & CTO
2 years 310 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 2 years 310 days ago)
We have submitted the update to the stores with the hotfixes. We are now waiting for Apple and Google to review it and hope it will be approved this week. We've done our best to ensure that is the case.

Also, we have released fixes the 2D map offset on the rescaled circuits in to the live environment now. This means you do not even have to update the app, the fixed circuit should download from the server and update automatically, even in version 4.050, the next time you launch a race there.

Here's the full changelog (most of these fixes are in the update that is under review, I will update the thread when it is available):

  • Fixed 2D having offset racing lines on re-scaled tracks (LIVE).

  • Fixed boost tail missing in 2D. (In review)

  • Fixed commentary text being invisible. (In review)

  • Fixed misaligned track alpha masks in 2D. (In review)

  • Fixed Driver/Team column toggle on live timing table not working on landscape layout. (In review)

  • Fixed a bug when viewer settings were not properly applied between races. (In review)

  • Fixed 3D iOS broken water splash effect / missing texture. (In review)

medal 5049 CEO & CTO
2 years 310 days ago
The Android patch is approved and live now. We hope iOS will follow before the weekend. Windows will follow tomorrow.
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