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Game doesn't work on iPad

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medal 5000
3 years 94 days ago
Что Вы пытались сделать?
I updated the game through the App Store as usual.

Что случилось вместо этого?
Now the game doesn't work, I get a black screen for a couple of seconds, then it crashes.

Возникла ли проблема при использовании Wi-Fi, мобильных данных или их обоих?

Баг произошел в приложении на смартфоне, в браузере на ПК или везде?

Какая модель вашего устройства?
ipad Air 3

Какая операционная система?

Какой номер версии операционной системы?

Может ли баг быть воспроизведен?

Дополнительные комментарии:
medal 5669 Community Manager
3 years 94 days ago

I'm very sorry to hear that the update is not working properly on your iPad Air 3 (2019), can you try reinstalling the app from scratch? To do so, please delete it completely and install it from the App Store. Make sure you have your account credentials saved so that you can log in again.

To speed things up, here's the next step if the reinstallation is not successful. Please record the screen (you can do it with the native iOS option) while experiencing this crash and please send me the video to thank you very much!
medal 5000
3 years 93 days ago


I'm very sorry to hear that the update is not working properly on your iPad Air 3 (2019), can you try reinstalling the app from scratch? To do so, please delete it completely and install it from the App Store. Make sure you have your account credentials saved so that you can log in again.

To speed things up, here's the next step if the reinstallation is not successful. Please record the screen (you can do it with the native iOS option) while experiencing this crash and please send me the video to thank you very much!

Thank you, I’ll probably try reinstalling it tomorrow as the app is unstable now. I didn’t do anything but it had worked yesterday before the race and then again I got a black screen after the race and was not able to do anything as the app was crashing right away. Today it works fine, so I’ll wait to see if yesterday scenario reappears and if it does I’ll reinstall the app and let you know about the results.

medal 5000
3 years 89 days ago (Last edited by Michael Raetselhaft 3 years 89 days ago)
Seems like reinstalling the app has solved the problem. I haven’t experienced any crashes or black screens so far.
Edit: unfortunately the problem reappeared again.
medal 5000
3 years 87 days ago
Hi. I have the same problem. Reinstalling fixed it until the next race finished, then it stopped working again. I had to do another reinstall to get it working again. Hopefully it will be ok after the next race.
medal 5000
3 years 87 days ago
As for my issue, the game works fine in most cases now, but in like 1/20 times I launch the app I get a black screen and then it crashes. I can't figure out what it depends on but I think it happens more often after races. 
medal 5669 Community Manager
3 years 87 days ago
Hello Michael,

Can you screen record the issue and send me to please?
medal 5000
3 years 86 days ago

Hello Michael,

Can you screen record the issue and send me to please?

Hello Jose, yes, I will do it next time I face this issue. 
medal 5000
3 years 86 days ago
The game seems to be ok on my iPad now. Completely shutting down and rebooting the iPad and then reinstalling the game  seemed to fix it.
Hope you get yours working Michael.
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