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Patch 4.051: Known issues

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medal 5445 CEO & CTO
3 years 94 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 3 years 94 days ago)
We will supply this kind of information regularly from now on, documenting known issues that we're prioritising or expect to receive duplicate reports on.

Patch 4.051 was a hotfix patch for 4.050 containing several fast but important fixes. We will work to resolve any issues with 4.051 at the earliest opportunity as we did with 4.050, but they are less critical and with a weekend coming up, since app stores do not review apps on the weekend, we likely can't release a fix until at least next week at the earliest, even if we want to do it sooner.

Known issues:

  • Sector "bars" on the portrait UI (mobile) don't update. Sector times are fine on the sectors tab of live timing, it's only the coloured rectangles that represent sectors that don't update.

  • Boost tail can appear larger than expected in 2D mode.

  • "Made with Unity" appears at launch. We'll remove this on the next update, but it doesn't impact anything. It's just a logo / splash screen.

medal 5445 CEO & CTO
3 years 92 days ago
Patch 4.051 is now live on iOS after being approved by Apple. It remains a version behind Android and Windows which are on 4.052 now.
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