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Number of designers

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medal 5000
9 years 326 days ago

I have two "teams" but I am struggling to understand why one team takes 17 designers per part and the other takes 37 designers per part?
Both have similar Chief Designers (according to the green map) the only difference is one is lv10 and the other is lv14
Both teams have lv20 designers.


medal 5000
9 years 326 days ago
Do both Teams are in same League, or in different Leagues but with exactly same nr. of weekly races ?
If they are in Leagues with different schedules that may affect.
And also, of course, the developement % of the cars.
medal 5000
9 years 325 days ago
The frequency of the races plays quite a role in this. It basically it makes sure the speed of designing throughout the season is balanced.
medal 5000
9 years 325 days ago
Thanks Alex.

Thanks Tjerk. that makes sense as the one is everyday and the other is 3 times a week, as you know ;)

medal 5000
9 years 325 days ago
You seem to love your designers Simon 80 designers should be enough to get the car up to 100% over a season in everyday racing.
Set a schedule Aero Components one day then Mechanical components the next day,
you can keep doing that the whole season without using more than 80 people.
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