Mark Spencer medal 5000 2 years 356 days ago (Last edited by
Mark Spencer 2 years 356 days ago)
I don't know when Max crashed last except Monaco 2019.
The last crash happened at Monza 2021, surprised you forgot that one as it was so recent.
For the 2020 season; crashes in Tuscany, Italy and Turkey were predominantly his fault.
And Max Crash-happen is now in his
7th year of F1. 7th year. One would have to strongly suspect that he has a below average IQ, making learning from mistakes and experiences a lot slower compared to every other driver.
-0.45s up on the delta going into the last corner, and still maximum, unnecessary risk. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would have ensured they got around the last corner as the top priority, and hence guarantee pole position.