Alex Ks Goodwin medal 5000 9 years 364 days ago
i was leading for most of the race and then at the end i was 3 laps to the end 1s lead then was overtaken and beaten by ove 4s by 2 other drivers i understand that a driver with better health should win but when there manager was not on line i find this is ju total bull and not right

Yuri Kasdorp medal 5000 9 years 364 days ago
maybe you overheated your tires, or they were there running with fresher tires. I've seen a lot but not that a driver without logical reason slows down over a second per lap. Do you have the race results?

Scott Taylor medal 5000 9 years 364 days ago
It could be an overheat or actually your tires once dipping below 30% start to cool dramatically. If say you had a PL set to keep it grey and then they cooled off a lot that could explain the extreme pace loss.

Alex Ks Goodwin medal 5000 9 years 364 days ago
i kept them just pink or under

Alex Ks Goodwin medal 5000 9 years 364 days ago
it dosent look like it but i was i can asure you leading most of the time

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 9 years 363 days ago
According to the results, the leader was in the lead from lap 28 of 33 (6 laps from the end). I don't see anything unusual at a glance.