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Weather forecast

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medal 5000
9 years 317 days ago
ok i am paying for weather forcasts that dont seem to be working why is this 

i got a forcast this morning it was going to rain 

and i checked it 30 mins befor the race forcast rain again but come the race time to my surprise it was a dry qualifing and i was left way down the grid on soft tyres ond bacily out of the race 

the around 3 to 4 laps from the end it started to rain so i pitted and put full wets on and to my even bigger surprise a manager carred on with ss and won the race so whats going on
medal 5000
9 years 317 days ago
Nearly 2 years ago I asked about the weather system and making a basic one.. by now it would of been 10 times better than the one we have now..

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE up the min temps to 15 degrees.. It's a SS fest and upping with cut out at least 1 or 2 tracks..

We have 3 managers doing 7 to 9 stops constantly beating 4 or 5 lap softs.. upping this to 15 degs will stop some issues.
medal 5000
9 years 316 days ago
the Weather Station isn't for pre-race forecasts as far as I know, it is for the live viewer forecast that shows what is expected in the next 5 minutes.  if you have changing weather and gamble on it being right it can be an advantage but it isn't necessary by any stretch.
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
9 years 316 days ago
We use real weather stations and real weather forecasts from Sometimes the real weather man can't accurately predict the real weather. That's why the weather forecasts may sometimes contradict the real weather during a race.

If it starts raining a few laps from the end then make sure to check the water depth in the little water beaker in the weather widget. That shows how much standing water there is. If it wasn't raining heavily, the supersofts would have continued to work for several laps until the track became sufficiently wet that wet tyres were needed. Teams in F1 don't always pit the instant rain starts to fall either, for the same reason. Sometimes it's not necessary even if it is raining - for that you must check the standing water depth, not just the conditions.
medal 5000
9 years 316 days ago
[..] Sometimes it's not necessary even if it is raining - for that you must check the standing water depth, not just the conditions.

Is there any guidance available, how much the water dept in the water breaker has to rise, before it is useful to change to Inters or wets?
medal 5000
9 years 316 days ago
We use real weather stations and real weather forecasts from Sometimes the real weather man can't accurately predict the real weather. That's why the weather forecasts may sometimes contradict the real weather during a race.

If it starts raining a few laps from the end then make sure to check the water depth in the little water beaker in the weather widget. That shows how much standing water there is. If it wasn't raining heavily, the supersofts would have continued to work for several laps until the track became sufficiently wet that wet tyres were needed. Teams in F1 don't always pit the instant rain starts to fall either, for the same reason. Sometimes it's not necessary even if it is raining - for that you must check the standing water depth, not just the conditions.

15 degs to try and stop SS on 95% of the tracks ????
medal 5088
9 years 316 days ago
I think it should be upped to minimum 18 degrees.
medal 5000
9 years 316 days ago
Rough guide on when tyres stop working, Please remember it's a rough guide :D

medal 5000
9 years 316 days ago
medal 5000
9 years 315 days ago
@James Greer:

Thanks for that info!
medal 5000
9 years 315 days ago
@James Greer:

Thanks for that info!

The more heat you have in the dry tyres when it starts to rain the longer they will continue to work.
Just keep an eye on your sector times if you see them dropping off pit for inters.

Works the other way around with wets,
they should be nice and grey, when they start heating up while using hold push level its time to change to inters.
medal 5000
9 years 311 days ago
how long should full wets last in a race? roughly
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