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    medal 0
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Cooling more important!

Should be COOLING more important and impact the engine much much more ?

16% (8)
Yes at least twice as now!
30% (15)
Yes and be affected by the weather temperature!
24% (12)
1 and 2 combined!!
26% (13)
No changes at all!
4% (2)
Other ===> explain please!
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medal 5000
3 years 45 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 3 years 45 days ago)
Nowadays cooling isn't so important. 
And should wear more at high temperatures reducing speed/performance faster than racing with low temperatures.
What do you think?
medal 5000
3 years 13 days ago

Nowadays cooling isn't so important. 
And should wear more at high temperatures reducing speed/performance faster than racing with low temperatures.
What do you think?

I think there should be more of an impact with cooling and reliability. It would allow for a more interesting strategy in the game. Engine performance is a key feature in the game and should be reflected in the race. Especially since there are always engine, transmission, and braking performance issues in the real F1 races.
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