Jake Thomson medal 5000 9 years 349 days ago
I can't view any drivers below my current level? (Level 14). I'm looking for level 12 drivers but just can't find any since it seems to only show level 14's.

I B medal 5160 9 years 348 days ago
Seems a strange thing to want to do but try selecting 'Overall rating above 11' and click 'overall' to sort by level (may need clicking twice to reverse the order.)

Jake Thomson medal 5000 9 years 348 days ago
How is it a strange thing to want to do? xD Level 12 drivers are the best. And i've tried that but it will only show me level 14 drivers.

Leslie Oldham medal 5000 9 years 348 days ago
They have recently reduced the number of pages that can be accessed for driver search. Only 25 pages are availible. Perhaps there are 25 pages of level 14 drivers. However for me at level 9 if I choose the filter "overall rating above" level 7 and click on the overall header it still brings up level 7 drivers.
There is always the possibility of resetting your team. I'll bet that will allow you access to lower level drivers.

Jason Mcrae medal 5000 9 years 348 days ago
if u select overall rating above 11. it should then show 12 or 13 straight away if its on 13 just click on overall heading it should then bring up lvl 12's.

Jake Thomson medal 5000 9 years 348 days ago
There is no chance I am resetting my team haha. Thanks for the help though. And i've tried all the suggestions but thanks anyway.

El Mohico medal 5000 9 years 348 days ago
Why you think driver level 12 are the best ???
there is any proof of that ???

Jake Thomson medal 5000 9 years 348 days ago
Well i've played the game two years and the drivers have the perfect stats you want in a driver in general. Just a tip - you DONT want mental and technical attributes to be high. Everything else should be full though, height small, weight small.

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 9 years 347 days ago
Leslie rightly pointed out that the number of pages on the driver search was limited recently to improve perforamance. In the unlikely event that you want a lower level driver, you could reverse sort by overall as suggested.
If you're looking for a particular skill, you can also sort by that in skills view if you are a subscriber.

Jake Thomson medal 5000 9 years 347 days ago
I can't "reverse sort by overall as suggested" as i've already said, even if I do that the only drivers i'm seeing are level 12..

Jason Mcrae medal 5000 9 years 347 days ago
not sure why it dosnt work for you, But works fine for me.

Duncan Cunningham medal 5000 9 years 344 days ago
April fools is over now, remove that line of code that says "IF name = "Jake Thomson" then HIDE "all drivers" from VIEW selection.