Michael Craig medal 5497 2 years 336 days ago (Last edited by
Michael Craig 2 years 336 days ago)
It's obvious if set to all it will train a random attribute, only if it's set to physical will it train stamina and weight. It will usually say what's been trained once the bar is full, if there is nothing to train it will say no gain. The physical should be the first thing to train with drivers, followed by driving then mental being last.
If you take the time to check out his drivers stats, In this case all stats are maximum apart from weight. So training all by your logic should reduce the weight. So I would not say the cause of the issue is obvious.
It could be that training was not set to All, but mental or driving ability instead, which would then produce no effect. But in theory if training "All" or "Physical" the weight should reduce each time the bar fills up.
The bug report is to say that this is not happening.
No, if All is selected the game chooses a random area to train. If no skills are trainable in the selected area nothing will be trained. To ensure weight is trained always then Physical training has to be selected. You're the manager, if you order mixed training then mixed training will be done, if there's room for gain or not.
Interesting, could you please clarify what would happen in a theoretical scenario for me please for my own understanding so I can assist others within our leagues when they encounter this (I was assisting Mack originally before I advised to raise a bug as we were stumped.)
If a manager has maxed all driving abilities, and all physical attributes, plus one of the 4 mental attributes and chooses to train “all”.
Then the training could be applied to any random stat including those that are already maximised.
Yet if they were to train mental, is there zero chance that the maximised mental stat would be trained? Or just better chances that you will train a useful stat since you are more focused.