with more kind of rewards, for example Tokens, some Design Points, health restore for drivers, etc.
Or give us real money to allow us to buy packs to progress quickly in the game. ?
Joking aside, in the past, 3 tokens were offered as a daily reward (day 7).
But you know, it’s a game, there are servers, employees, bills to pay. They can’t afford to offer too many tokens. We already have lot of free tokens from sponsors.
Regarding DP, it would be an unfair advantage if you get design points while your opponents do not collect it.
Well, just 1 token will still make a huge difference... :)
Sponsors' token seemed too little for academy drivers though, only a talent 1 driver will cost some 10-15 tokens.
Luckily, at the beginning, people can just focus on the design centre, the technology and sometimes manufacturing, so they don't need to save tokens for those.