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Female drivers pace advantage (game breaking bug)

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medal 5219
2 years 365 days ago
What did you try to do?
Play the game with both male and female drivers expecting the same pace.

What happened instead?
Female driver is noticeable faster. Even if this is the wanted result, the current difference is game breaking

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

What operating system is your PC?

Which browser did you experience the problem in?

Can the bug be reproduced?

Additional comments:
medal 5342 Community Manager
2 years 365 days ago
Hello managers,

I have decided to turn off temporarily the driver weight attribute. It’ll be turned on back once we find the best way to address this. We think the fairest solution would be to have a BMI system.
medal 5000
2 years 365 days ago
This could be a ground breaking solution, get ready for it... 

Make Females and Males the same weight? :o 
medal 5000
2 years 365 days ago

Hello managers,

I have decided to turn off temporarily the driver weight attribute. It’ll be turned on back once we find the best way to address this. We think the fairest solution would be to have a BMI system.

you should reimburse all managers who had to buy a driver to compete in the championships!  create damage and then….

medal 5342 Community Manager
2 years 365 days ago

you should reimburse all managers who had to buy a driver to compete in the championships!  create damage and then….

Hello Daniel,

Given the fact that you always need a driver to compete (maxed out drivers in the case of competitive championship) we can reimburse a % of the cost but not the whole for the reasons mentioned above. Just mail me at with the account link and driver link.

For sure we’ll never make everyone happy but certainly lately you’re just creating bad mood and hate. No problem, we accept the challenge, we’ll make you happy in the following set of updates. ?
medal 5000
2 years 365 days ago


you should reimburse all managers who had to buy a driver to compete in the championships!  create damage and then….

Hello Daniel,

Given the fact that you always need a driver to compete (maxed out drivers in the case of competitive championship) we can reimburse a % of the cost but not the whole for the reasons mentioned above. Just mail me at with the account link and driver link.

For sure we’ll never make everyone happy but certainly lately you’re just creating bad mood and hate. No problem, we accept the challenge, we’ll make you happy in the following set of updates. ?

in the world there is already one that creates hatred and just moves forward!  I'm saying you've been promising for years that the game will return to the way it used to be!  Jose years!  so try to understand if people are getting pissed off!  if it bothers you so much that someone opens your eyes, close the forum!  at least you no longer need to feel under attack

medal 5342 Community Manager
2 years 365 days ago

in the world there is already one that creates hatred and just moves forward!  I'm saying you've been promising for years that the game will return to the way it used to be!  Jose years!  so try to understand if people are getting pissed off!  if it bothers you so much that someone opens your eyes, close the forum!  at least you no longer need to feel under attack

Hello Daniel,

I completely agree with you, everything could be better done from a player point of view, no doubt. The real world is different, running a game of this scale by a small indie studio is another level of complexity. If you think that’s easy try yourself!

In the last few years we’ve been creating the basis for a game that’s compatible for both hardcore and casual players (the truth is that the last is what makes a project viable in terms of income). Servers, salaries, r&d, etc have an insane cost which we need to cover, that’s why we made 3D. Making the game attractive for casual players and creating a bigger market in our niche. We all want this game to stay as much as possible and that was the only viable way. Even if you mentioned that “people are getting pissed off!” this only includes a sector of hardcore player which we’ll make happy as soon as possible with our capabilities. Currently we’re starting some internal tests about dynamic tyre temperature window. This would allow us to make every tyre work in every track (keeping in mind the climatic conditions of course). But currently this is global for every track in the game.

Longtime ago you had your chance to contribute in the game development as beta tester (2020) in more than a year you never assisted to any beta test session or submitted any single QA report.

I really wish we make you happy in the future, we’re working hard for it. I perfectly understand your frustration but sometimes we need to take a moment and think twice what we write. I can assure you I work here tirelessly and endlessly to make everyone as happy as possible and some kind of comments from the ignorance hurt a lot but I try to keep in mind passion drives those.

Have a good weekend!
medal 5000
2 years 365 days ago


in the world there is already one that creates hatred and just moves forward!  I'm saying you've been promising for years that the game will return to the way it used to be!  Jose years!  so try to understand if people are getting pissed off!  if it bothers you so much that someone opens your eyes, close the forum!  at least you no longer need to feel under attack

Hello Daniel,

I completely agree with you, everything could be better done from a player point of view, no doubt. The real world is different, running a game of this scale by a small indie studio is another level of complexity. If you think that’s easy try yourself!

In the last few years we’ve been creating the basis for a game that’s compatible for both hardcore and casual players (the truth is that the last is what makes a project viable in terms of income). Servers, salaries, r&d, etc have an insane cost which we need to cover, that’s why we made 3D. Making the game attractive for casual players and creating a bigger market in our niche. We all want this game to stay as much as possible and that was the only viable way. Even if you mentioned that “people are getting pissed off!” this only includes a sector of hardcore player which we’ll make happy as soon as possible with our capabilities. Currently we’re starting some internal tests about dynamic tyre temperature window. This would allow us to make every tyre work in every track (keeping in mind the climatic conditions of course). But currently this is global for every track in the game.

Longtime ago you had your chance to contribute in the game development as beta tester (2020) in more than a year you never assisted to any beta test session or submitted any single QA report.

I really wish we make you happy in the future, we’re working hard for it. I perfectly understand your frustration but sometimes we need to take a moment and think twice what we write. I can assure you I work here tirelessly and endlessly to make everyone as happy as possible and some kind of comments from the ignorance hurt a lot but I try to keep in mind passion drives those.

Have a good weekend!

very true.  I was a beta tester and I even went out because I was tired of trying masks or hearing you argue for the game playlist, when there were so many bugs to fix!  wish you a good weekend

medal 5000
2 years 365 days ago

Hello managers,

I have decided to turn off temporarily the driver weight attribute. It’ll be turned on back once we find the best way to address this. We think the fairest soluti on would be to have a BMI system.

Although in real life, F1 champions have generally been on the shorter end of the scale, for example, the champions in F1 at the moment Alonso, Vettel and Hamilton are all at or under 175cm with Verstappen being the tallest at 181cm. With Hamilton being the heaviest at 73kg stand Vettel being the lightest at  62kg.  So in theory height and weight shouldn't make much of a difference, although the shorter drivers statistically do better than above average ones...

In the game height is the only stat that doesn't change so it's luck if you get via youth academy, transfer or buying indirectly from another player. Where is weight is just training and it's likely most owners are going to train a driver to all 20 stats and the lightest weight possible before racing a driver...
medal 5000 Moderator
2 years 365 days ago
It comes all down to rules. Shorter drivers makes it more easy to design the car as the cockpit can be shorter, as long as rules don't require it to be a certain minimum size. Similar weight, in the example of F1 the minimum weight of the car includes the driver, so a less heavy driver makes it easier and cheaper to design a car or gives in theory a slight advantage as the weight can be placed as ballast on more favourable spots in the car or used to strengthen parts, but as long as the minimum weight set by the rules is high enough so it can be met by the engineers a lighter driver won't result in any weight difference of the car.

For the game it means those things can or can not make a difference without any even being unrealistic, as it can all be a result of the rules of iGP.
medal 5000
2 years 365 days ago
We are discussing about a game where a driver 191 cm tall, weighing 51 kg is still alive and can drive the entire length of a grand prix... 
They should just eradicate those stats or hide and make them inactive (making fixed the right height, just like the wing level). At least until they know how to use it sensibly... Otherwise this game becomes more and more a joke.

Yestarday was (and still is) the driver height, today is the sex of the driver. And what will it be tomorrow?
We would like to focus on the game itself, not on its bugs and illogical stuff...
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