Amelia Lyons medal 5165 2 years 361 days ago (Last edited by
Amelia Lyons 2 years 361 days ago)
Tyres are way too stretched out. In 100% no-refuel races, I can't see the Hards benefiting even in Malaysia/China in the height of summer. They're just too slow.
In regards to Temperature and wear levels they should operate where in certain temperatures they do not grip at all or have accelerated wear where far too hot. For example is an example from Pirelli on their C1-5s
Lets Benchmark the Soft Tyre (our C2) to last 20 laps on average and give relative simple Durability and pace expectancy to the other tyres allow an idea how they are to operating/durability/pace difference.
Tyre | durability difference per laps | Time difference per 1s relative to % | Operating Temp Low to Operating Temp High
Super Soft | 12-15 Laps (-25% to -40%) | -0.4s to -0.6s | 85C to 115C
Soft | 20 Laps (100%) | 0s | 90C to 120C
Medium | 25-32 Laps (+25% to +62.5%) | +0.4s to +0.8s | 105C to 135C
Hard | 28 to 35 Laps (+40% to +75%) | +0.7 to + 1.2s | 110C to 135C
Super Hard | 30 to 40 Laps (+50% to +100%) | +1s + 1.5s | 110C to 140C*
This makes that there is 3 tyres always relative, quick enough and competitive with each other but some having more advantage than others *and threw in Super Hards merely for reference if iGP were interested in adding it.