Lanny Kness medal 5000 9 years 318 days ago
I've got a microsoft surface running Windows 8.1 and can't get the race control to connect (just see a black blank screen). It occurs in IE and Chrome, i've turned off the firewall, installed Java 7 u 71, made sure i've enabled NPAPI. I've clear the browser data. Any other ideas i can try in order to get the race control to work? Thanks.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 9 years 318 days ago
Isn't that a tablet? I don't think those machines can run Java.

Lanny Kness medal 5000 9 years 318 days ago
No, it's a surface pro 3. It's a full computer. I've done it in the past, but haven't been able to launch the control for about 3 weeks now.

Doug Kaster medal 5000 9 years 318 days ago
http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=forum-thread/4813 if you are using chrome this is a fix. not sure if it will help you but it has worked for others
Best of luck and Happy Racing

Lanny Kness medal 5000 9 years 318 days ago
I've already done that and the error occurs in IE and chrome.

Cole Trickle medal 5000 9 years 318 days ago
Java7u71? That's outdated. Maybe that is the reason the browsers reject running java applets.
Get latest Java8 and try https://java.com/de/download/installed8.jsp?detect=jre to verify java applets are able to run.
Hope that helps.

Lanny Kness medal 5000 9 years 318 days ago
I thought that iGPManager doesn't support Java 8. Does Java 8 work for you?

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 318 days ago
Java8 works just fine for me running on windows 8.1 I always use IE 11

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 9 years 318 days ago
Java 8 has been fully supported for a while now. Did updating resolve it?

Lanny Kness medal 5000 9 years 316 days ago
Upograding to Java 8 (45) has fixed the problem. Thanks.