John Doe medal 5000 9 years 317 days ago
Hi All,
Few questions (and yes they might sound stupid)
1: When you click get live weather is this showing the weather (thurs, Friday, Sat (quali), Sun (race))?
I ask as the previous race is stated "Sunday, Rain" I chose wet tyres... wet to the race and was on Softs!
2: Brazil says Saurday dry and Sunday wet... So If I chose Dry for stint one as im going to Quali on the stint 1 tyres... will I be starting the race on dries or do I have a chance to change to wets beforehand and if so where and how?? I ask as i never checked the weather once started on dries had to pit first lap...
There may be answers to these questions but I didnt see a search icon so I'm asking!
Thanks the the responses in advance :)

Ryan Lewis medal 5000 9 years 317 days ago
on your race set up screen click onadvanced strategy and set wet weather instructions.

John Doe medal 5000 9 years 317 days ago
Thanks Ryan - Just realised thats what it was!!!

Dee O medal 5000 9 years 317 days ago
Maybe your tires switched automatically because your advanced strategy was on default settings. I know the game automatically switches to your advanced strategy rain tire if there is rain at the begginning of the race and you have not set up rain tires in your normal test runs.
The weather forcast is a general forcast for the day of your race, Qualifying is on the same day as the race in the game. The game receives weather data from the weatherunderground web site. Although not perfectly accurate to the minute that web site can give you insight into the kind of weather you may be having at the hour your race runs.