Not that I am complaining as my team has more than enough ($100,000,000+) and as a Rookie got close to going broke (Driver issues LOL). But now in Elite just feel there should be more things to spend it on. I have no marketers and through lasyiness didn't bother renewing sponser contacts, yet this has hardly put a dent in the funds. When I was a rookie I was trying to con the sponsers into giving more money than was offered (with success) and offering drivers less than they wanted (also with success) and being strategic about which parts to replace each race and I have to say that it added an extra thrill to the game making ends meet while still being competitve. This season my first in Elite I am happy with my results on the whole but I am in a waiting pattern while I finish training up my driver to be competive with the other Elite drivers that have been in the Elite tier for a while.
One suggestion I can think of is maybe paying a substancesual amount (i hope you know what I mean I can't spell) a lot of money for Elite tiered players for excellerated training courses for their drivers.
I want to blow all my money on hookers and pit girls, ive suggested this before but haven't heard/seen anything of it yet. Obviously Jack is busy writing up the code for it :D
I tried to con my sponsors for more money. They all denied my requests so I'm stuck with low-paying sponsors and about to go bankrupt with the high driver signing fees and wages. TEACH ME YOUR SECRETS!!!!
Benny, contract sponsors that have a high rating (9 or 10). From sponsors lower than that it is almost impossible to get the maximum sponsor money.
Contract them for a 5 race period as you can only comment every 5 races to improve your relationship. Comment positive, contract them for one step higher money as suggested and let the contract run out. Comment positive on them again, contract them one step higher money as you were before and let the 5 race contract period run out again.
Keep repeating untill your relationship is at it's highest and you have the highest amount of sponsor money you can get. At the moments the contract period is almost over, renew the contract for not more than 5 races each time, otherwise the sponsor money will drop.
Benny, I suggest contracting them for 1 race, since accepting an offer also increases rating. That way you might lose some money the first 1 or 2 races, but have maximum money by race 5!
Have a look at
Watching these youtube vids helped me a lot!
I was contracted with my old sponsors for one season and their opinion of me is now 9/10. I think the mistake I made was that I contracted them for a whole season and let the contract drop before asking for the max amount of money. Well, I'll try again after the next race then.
The interesting thing is a unique issue that you are having H Edwards. I understand that this game isn't "F1" but, come on, we're racing formula cars that require huge amounts of capital to remain competitive. At a certain point in time, having capital should be a requirement to continue racing, not just that, but to remain competitive enough in whatever league you are racing in so that you aren't just having huge sums of money with nothing to spend it on. Example? Most top F1 teams (again, using F1 as an example), have their own factories where they can reproduce parts, further R&D, etc etc. We have that here in IGP, but at a very very small level, not much capital is required in building new grounds.
There should be some highlighted areas in which players that have excessive amounts of money can be used to further the enjoyment of IGP and hence further replicate real life racing.
1) At a certain point, after building all the entry level grounds (up to level 10 driver academy), the player should have an array of options to further their team into more competitiveness. Such as, investing X amount to build a specific structure that will give them an increase in a certain aspect such as handling, engine power, etc. This increase should remain at a competitive level (like a meager percent) that it might just be worth it, but not so much that it will make this player 'too good' in one area or another.
2) Also, and really this would solve a lot of peoples 'too much money' problem, would be as your race car(s) become more advanced and the technology progresses, so should be the cost to replace them at an increment that is concurrent with the technology level of your car. Example, I'm a noob at IGP. My car is very basic, also, I pay very little when replacing parts for the races. From the looks of it, players pay more as their car's technology increases, but it appears that if you are literally swimming in money, there could be some balancing in this regards. The TLDR version: Increase cost per replacement part as your technology grows.
3) Finally, there should be an option to build another race team to either race in another league, or perhaps, if Jack was so willing, expand into other areas of racing such as touring cars or rally. This would create a huge multitude of options for the players on how to wisely spend the currency.