Alex Skinner medal 5000 9 years 306 days ago
My league Formula Fantasy is halfway through Season 2 and is now open for alot of people after the innactivity kickings. we run on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday basis at 6:30 PM GMT (7:30 PM BST) but we will be moving race dates around if requested. we are looking for active players as i have seen alot of new players who join then go innactive after 2 races and never return.

Charles Sandfer medal 5000 9 years 306 days ago
I noticed that to and will be kicking some players after the league finishes up on Tuesday luckily though most of the league is active so i dont have to kick many people

Alex Skinner medal 5000 9 years 305 days ago
yeah i get that aswel. i am glad i can keep in touch with my racers via skype as we all planned to set the league up with me as owner.

Alex Skinner medal 5000 9 years 305 days ago
with my league even though it's only meant for 1 driver (due to my innability to subscribe ;) ) i decided to let people have 2 accounts on this league. names the same team so it's easy to see who's who

Charles Sandfer medal 5000 9 years 305 days ago
lol thats why i am the owner of my league as i was (at the time) the only one to subscribe so we set up a 2 car league and made some cool friends since setting it up with the random people who had joined

Alex Skinner medal 5000 9 years 304 days ago
just had the european gp. bloody good race. my 2 teams finishing together as allways xD