Christian Horner medal 5000 2 years 312 days ago (Last edited by
Christian Horner 2 years 292 days ago)
To get a more in-depth feel we should be able to hire/fire and train pit crews for a faster time. Maybe even a new building for our headquarters.
we need a normal pack of crew and a pack of backup crew. i think at least 6 jobs are required for non-refuel-able races(7, 8 for refuel-able races)
- two jackmans
- 8 tire carriers (4 for unload tire and 4 for add tire)
- 4 tire changers
- two stabilisers
- two people to adjust the front wing angle.
- “lollipop” man
- fireman
- refuelling man
- driver assistant(for changing steering wheel; if necessary)
there could be more if needed