Mark Riggleman medal 5000 9 years 302 days ago
Is there a way where league managers could do promotion ranges on their own, as long as common sense is used with it?
This way, you could keep the promotion ranges higher and get more teams into the higher tiers of your league much quicker.
For instance, keep it at 4 or 8, depending on if it's 1-Car or 2-Car (given you have a somewhat decent flow of teams coming in, 16 for first two seasons), then adjust it to 6.
Going 8-6-4-2 doesn't allow enough of a range to get teams into other tiers, and most other Elite teams are loyal to whatever leagues their in, as they've probably made friends with everyone there. By the current system, only one or two teams can be in Elite by the time that tier is opened up for competition. If the tier is called "Elite", it should have better competition than a two car field.
I get the idea of the 8-6-4-2, it's to make sure the absolute best teams get to Elite, but when you have a full roster in the Rookie division, it blocks other Rookie managers from entering. This could also open up more slots for Rookies, as more would be getting moved up, given they perform well. (Added on to booting inactive players)
Leagues work like the teams do. For a racing team, you need a good flow of money to be successful. That is by far the most important part. For leagues, you need a good flow of teams and players to be successful, and managers might leave your league for another once they get to Elite due to lack of competition. So it'd be almost like a race team losing sponsorship or money to another team.
Enough of my comparisons. XD
I just wanted to post this to see if it was a viable option to bring into the leagues to prevent the low amount of competition reached in higher stages of a league.

James Ryan medal 5000 9 years 302 days ago
I agree, if the league has too few managers in it I will simply leave and go somewhere else.
You pointed out how managers are loyal to their leagues and it got me thinking. How about interleague races? 'x' amount of drivers in a league go against another league in an epic battle for the greatest sort of race, that way it keeps things interesting and helps fill races with more cars.

Cole Trickle medal 5000 9 years 302 days ago
How about a pyramid scheme?
Having 4 parallel rookie groups, 2 rookie and 1 Elite. Even with 8-6-4-2 system the upper tiers fill up quicker, since each group is supplied by two lower groups.

Carlos SUJETO medal 5000 9 years 301 days ago
Nice ideas.
Take on mind.. The F1 have until 20 cars meaning 10 teams...
In the past there was a lot of F1 Teams,, like 20 , 39 drivers (1989
was a PREQUALIFICATION existed on Friday to know what teams will run Qualification.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Formula_One_season says:
[*]In response to the above, a number of new teams were expected to enter the series, and there would be 39 drivers now competing for 26 places on the starting grid. To reduce the number of cars down to 30 in order to render Qualifying itself manageable, a separate 1-hour Pre-Qualifying Session was held at Friday morning during every GP weekend. 13 cars from teams with lowest results from previous 2 half-seasons were forced to pre-qualify, and only 4 fastest cars would advance to Qualifying proper. At the halfway point of the season the group of teams required to pre-qualify during the first half would be revised, based on the results during last 2 half-seasons.
A nice idea could be:
Not allow to race to
INACTIVE managers. If there are more active teams that want to join to the league.

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 301 days ago
A one league pyramid system ran by the game, all 800 managers in the one league,
the pyramid could be split into car types :D
tier 1 formula super league
tier 2 formula two
tier 3 formula three
tier 4 formula rednote
tier 5 formula four
tier 6 formula E
tier 7 formula cosurworthit

James Ryan medal 5000 9 years 300 days ago
800 managers (600 cars) in one league? You know we would actually like to be able to move on the track right?

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 300 days ago
You will still have just 32 cars per race, would be spilt into groups. everyone's aiming to be tier 1
it would have one group of 16 managers 4 people drop out to tier 2 at end of season, tier 2 would have two groups of 16 managers 2 from each group go up to tier 1 and 2 from each group would move down to tier 3. I have not done the maths on it, cause I was just throwing the idea out there, it might hold more than 800 managers or it might be less depending on how it is structured.

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 300 days ago
keep it simple ;)
3 tiers
tier 1 16 people - 1 group - 4 move down
teir 2 32 people - 2 groups - 2 from each group up and 2 from each group down
teir 3 64 people - 4 groups - 1 from each group up
that's 112 people in one league :)

Mark Riggleman medal 5000 9 years 300 days ago
Actually, the pyramid idea does sound nice. I never thought of it that way.

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 300 days ago
Is it possable for iGP to setup leagues that are filled with AI teams?
I think the biggest reason people become inactive is because they join a league and either the time of race doesn't suit them or they created a league and there was not enough teams to race against.
If it was filled with AI teams anyone joining the league could take over a team and make it their own.
If someone is inactive for longer than 2weeks someone else can join and take over their team and make it their own.
If you change league you start from scratch, your team doesn't move with you.

Mark Riggleman medal 5000 9 years 300 days ago
That'd be cool if we could setup those teams. This game has so much more potential. Anyone with eyes can see the potential.

Mark Riggleman medal 5000 9 years 300 days ago
That'd be cool if we could setup those teams. This game has so much more potential. Anyone with eyes can see the potential.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not calling it a bad game, because I am addicted to it.

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 300 days ago
Having a tier number system without elite, pro & rookies categories in place would mean even someone that was in tier 1 in another league would start in tier 3 in the new league because they are starting up a whole new team and not entering the league with the winning team they already had.
Drivers should have a maximum contact length of 2 seasons with any one team, and you cant re-sign the same driver until a full season has passed. If you get relegated to a lower tier the drivers contract is terminated right away & you have to sign a new driver.
All in fair play, if someone has a driver with 20 experience and 20 talent they are never going to change driver so enforcing 2 season limit to the drivers will ensure the championship is open for anyone to win

Mark Riggleman medal 5000 9 years 300 days ago
Or at let's have the option for other teams to try to buy them out of their contract.

James Ryan medal 5000 9 years 300 days ago
I like the idea of having AI cars to fill in the gaps but I don't support the idea of not being able to take your team with you between leagues. If you joined a league and it changed its options such as race length, time, or some other feature that would be present which you didn't like, you'd be punished for it. Instead when changing leagues your team and drivers stats, if higher than the other teams stats, should be recalculated to an average or just slightly lowered to suit the league.

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 299 days ago
Aye recalculated to an average to suit the new league is the way it is now but you remain in same tier, starting in new league you should start at the bottom and work your way up was my idea of starting up new team rather than continuing where you left off from in old league.
It not a punishment it's showing your skills & knowledge as a manager to get from zero to hero, if you put your knowhow into your new team, maybe do a Brawn GP win in your first season that's big money and jumping up the league rankings, surely that's far from punishment?

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 299 days ago (edited 9 years 299 days ago)
I'm sure the guys could cook up a walk-through type tutorial that people would have to do when they join a new league.
It would show people the workings of the game, how to hire drivers, staff, suppliers, get sponsorship, how to development the car, you would do 2 mini races against AI teams to show how dry and wet tyres work and also how to use pit strategy.
It would kind of be like a winter testing to get new teams up to speed before the season starts,
as you have two mini races that's 2 chances to develop the car in any area you want and train up drivers before you even start in the league.
I know what your thinking sure we all know how to get drivers and things & how everything works that's not needed but think about new people joining the game they know nothing about it.

Mark Riggleman medal 5000 9 years 299 days ago
I think it'd be cool to have multiple series under one league, possibly with their own schedules and race stipulations.

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 299 days ago
Would be great if Jack added sub-accounts to subscribers you would have your main account and possibly 4 sub-accounts like OSM has. Online Soccer Manger. Would mean I be here more than at work :D

Mark Riggleman medal 5000 9 years 296 days ago
You can multi account. I might make a secondary team for driver development because yes.