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biggest league

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medal 5000
2 years 314 days ago
Hi im just wondering what the biggest league in igp is, like do they livestream races or does something special? Its because i am yet to see a league where you actually dont know who the winner will be and i want to watch the races thx for looking at this
medal 5000
2 years 313 days ago
I think the biggest league /competition ive been in is Interliga. League's can register to join this league. Best way to describe it maybe is the champions league of leagues. You have to pick 3 players from your league to race against other leagues. Every Saturday night but it's currently off season. Leagues from all over the world race and does a great job in bring players closer together. 
medal 5000
2 years 313 days ago
My league obviously……..
medal 5000
2 years 313 days ago

Hi im just wondering what the biggest league in igp is, like do they livestream races or does something special? Its because i am yet to see a league where you actually dont know who the winner will be and i want to watch the races thx for looking at this

Are you talking about most competitive? If so, there are a few factors to consider such as race distance etc.

IMO two leagues stand out:

Most competitive league racing at ‘100%’ distance would be Discord World Championship ?

League not found or inactive

Most competitive league racing at ‘75%’ and overall most competitive would be Project Leyendas ?

League not found or inactive

As for being able to view streams, I’m not sure any league does that but you can always spectate races when there is one ongoing.
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