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In progress
Champ points are not added to Team history/stats

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medal 5597
2 years 311 days ago (Last edited by McLaren Honda 2 years 311 days ago)
What did you try to do?
Looked at it on phone web browser & pc web browser and cache cleared but new season points are not added so far, its easiest to see on a promoted teams history as only 2 races shows 0 points but is 2nd in champ (see below) but its like this for several teams and probably all teams i just can't tell due to longevity in league.

can't check on ios app as im blocked due to unable to update my old software above ios 12.

What happened instead?
The Same

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
iphone SE Gen 1

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?
using a browser on phone not the app(but ios 12)

What operating system is your PC?
windows 7

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
all of them

Can the bug be reproduced?

Additional comments:
will edit this.

Look at this players history (2 races 0 points) but has actually scored 47 points in the 2 races

This is the first new season with new league rules, the points from previous season finishing few days ago are correct.

I wonder if this is a whole system wide issue not just our league.
medal 5000
2 years 310 days ago
I've noticed this too! Both my drivers have the wrong points total if you look at their stats. One has 4 wins and only 50 points ?‍♂️
medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 310 days ago
This will be points not being counted since yesterday afternoon. I will fix this tomorrow. The points are all accurate in the race results and standings etc. just not reflected on the profile.
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