Simone Villa medal 5617 2 years 321 days ago (Last edited by
Simone Villa 2 years 321 days ago)
1. Cheat? because i raced in another league whilst waiting for the one i was joining to start lol funny. also i got 18 ranking points from that race haha...
2. your league was easy as you scored over 800 points in season and just cruised around.
3. everyone loses a championship every now and then you can't win all the time, plus you seem to hint that i ran off from that league away from him but he left the league first...Also seeing as your checking everything flick back to the previous season Lolita Zeta and SA Nico Mercedes are the same player -
https://igpmanager.com/app/p=standings&league=103372&season=62&tier=3&tab=teams , he changed teams & he put together a very good last season plus a couple of races done by another top manager which helped (my recommendation - he won both races) but i was pleased for him he deserved it.
4. you sound angry that you didn't finish number one of the "in your words" Ridiculous rankings, if its so bad why are you so angry about being number 2 instead of number 1 last month with your weak league team?
5. don't get me wrong the hall of fame is irrelevant its not a true ranking of the best players and i am NOT the best player and never said i am, not once in 10 years.
6. there was no need for your insulting post & Defamation of my character to call me a cheat which is a totally unfair & unjust statement, i got enough shyte to deal with ....
I'm sorry but you misunderstanding me : my post is a suggestion for improving Hall of fame not an angry attack to you.
In fact i wrote a "little cheat" and that you are a strong player.
I made a correction in the first post, adding word "format". I think that now it is clearer than before that I was discussing about Hall of Fame and not about you.
A little comment to your point 2: i am an historical player of that league, not a new.
When i came back one player was number 13 of season 20 of the Hall of fame.