Steven Boxall medal 5000 9 years 291 days ago
I been watching a few races now to see when my DRS kicks in... and it doesn't seem to be doing so. Is this because I'm not a SUBSCRIBER and only using the FREE data and timing?
Also i just recently bought the KERS is it the same with this to?

Daniel R medal 5000 9 years 291 days ago
Did you use 2d? Same problem. 'Kers' automatically starts.

Thomas Kang medal 5000 9 years 291 days ago
Hi Steven,
I'm not a subsriber either, and my friend told me (he's a subscriber) that he can see my DRS kicking in when I'm withing one second of the car in front.
When I watch on the data view, you can't see the DRS button light up in green as it does when you press the KERS button, but it's still working.
I'm not sure you know this, but in settings during live races on data view, you can let your driver use KERS throughout the race, or you can control the usage yourself.

Steven Boxall medal 5000 9 years 291 days ago
Ok thanks Kang i didnt know about the KERS bit as i bought it yestersday and there is a bug that couldnt let me see the race today.
Yeah the DRS button didnt light up which led me to think that it was only for subscribes :) Thank you for the help ;)

Carlos JK medal 5000 9 years 291 days ago
THe DRS works automatically subscribed or not...
For activate the DRS:
[*]One of your drivers must be at less than 1 sec of the ahead car, even lapped cars
[*]Only works in the DRS zone. and
[*](of course) you need to research it.
All circuits have DRS zone marked with red and blue bars in 2D map. If you have not acces to 2D map, the zone still.
In spain (as example) The DRS zone start in the START/FINISH line and ends at the first turn. is part of sector one (S1) timmings. if you have no 2D acces you must see the effects on the S1 timmings.
If you have not 2D there is no light or button lighting their use.