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Push Levels Effect Fuel

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medal 5451
2 years 284 days ago
Puah level should more dramatically effect fuel, especially with the new 'no refuelling' option.

Maybe its my league, which has some problems (detailed elsewhere) but with the new 'no refuelling' option, it feels like being able to affect fuel consumption with push levels could be more of a thing.  If moving the push level affected fuel by .1 or .2 a lap, then you could have periods of trying to gap or catch another car and then a period of fuel saving ans have it really make a difference.

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5000 Super Mod
2 years 255 days ago


But is does affect fuel use , tyre wear and temp.

true, but it does not have a standard variable on percentage change regarding how many percent more/less fuel/tire wear when using different push level.

Yes it does, you just need to collect enough data and you can work it out.

medal 5000
2 years 255 days ago
But is does affect fuel use , tyre wear and temp.
medal 5000
2 years 255 days ago

But is does affect fuel use , tyre wear and temp.

true, but it does not have a standard variable on percentage change regarding how many percent more/less fuel/tire wear when using different push level.
medal 5000 Super Mod
2 years 255 days ago


But is does affect fuel use , tyre wear and temp.

true, but it does not have a standard variable on percentage change regarding how many percent more/less fuel/tire wear when using different push level.

Yes it does, you just need to collect enough data and you can work it out.

medal 5272 Community Manager
2 years 254 days ago
Another example of the need to know about the game before suggesting!
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