Herbie Rides Again medal 5007 2 years 300 days ago (Last edited by
Herbie Rides Again 2 years 300 days ago)
It's a game, not everything in it should translate to the real world. Just have fun with it.
Talk about predictable answer! It's a suggestion forum! Let's have flying cars then, or rocket engines! Ridiculous answer. We have EIGHT car categories, not asking much to use them all. Otherwise if their irrelevant as they pretty much are now just take them out. Our league is trying really hard to get to the bottom of why two or three cars are running away with the league every season and sharing the car statistics will help hopefully. Awaiting constructive replies. ?
Assuming none of you are DP saving looking at the small sample of stats provided on your league wall this just looks like the leaders are better at knowing how to gain more DP from research than the rest of you (I won’t go into detail how as managers need to work this out for themselves, but it’s not simply researching where you are most behind). The 2nd placed manager has gained 57pts more than you and I guess the leader would have even more.
Also, you should remember that this is a racing management game for entertainment played mainly by people on mobile phones. It is not meant to be a simulation of real formula racing or F1.
I believe reliability and cooling were more important in the pre mobile version, but don’t know why that changed. Maybe it was just a simplification of the game so that it appealed to mobile gamers, although I could be wrong about this as I thought I’d seen it mentioned in threads on this subject before ?♂️