Alzy Thomas medal 5000 9 years 277 days ago
just took out sponsership with my top 5 sponsers and then 1 min later i get a message saying it has been cancelled and i lost rep with them ? Took ages to get 10/10 rep and now i lost my sponsership and rep in 1 go ??

Bob Bob medal 5000 9 years 277 days ago
Did 2 sponsors on the same part of the car?

Cole Trickle medal 5000 9 years 277 days ago
Sign 1 race contracts to get rep up as quickly as possible.

Alzy Thomas medal 5000 9 years 277 days ago
No not 2 on same part.. Yea i know how to get the rep back Cole , but its not the point.. i had the agreement all done, then 2 mins later it emailed me and said i cancelled it ! thanks for the advice guys but not the issue i had .. i agreed the sponsership then it emailed me 2 mins later and said i had canceled it ..

Jason Mcrae medal 5000 9 years 277 days ago
yes that bugged got me a couple of seasons ago. Didnt get to the bottom of it i just resigned them after the following race.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 9 years 276 days ago
I think it's definitely because you weren't paying attention which part of the car you were signing them on, a part which already had a sponsor on it.

Alzy Thomas medal 5000 9 years 276 days ago
hi Blunion, i dont think so m8 as i did last 2 1 at a time to make sure and it did same thing ..

Jack Basford medal 5244
CEO & CTO 9 years 276 days ago
Hi Alzy, it looks as though it is what Blunion describes. I can see instances in your contract history where you have signed a sponsor to the same part, replacing another one.
If you could send me the direct link to the sponsor cancellation email (just post it here), I will be able to determine from that exactly which instance of this you are referring to and can tell you whether that was the reason.