Clement Alesi medal 5000 9 years 278 days ago (edited 9 years 278 days ago)
How to go from 1st to 10, igp not letting you put the tyres you ask...
(both drivers...)
can't put the types I want

Doug Kaster medal 5000 9 years 278 days ago
Don't check the box for a unscheduled stop

Jack Basford medal 5244
CEO & CTO 9 years 278 days ago
That is strange. As we are no longer developing the Java viewer though, we will have to make sure no glitches like this occur in the new viewer, rather than updating the old one at this stage.
The issue has been noted.

Clement Alesi medal 5000 9 years 276 days ago
another thread:
soft tires when i select full wets
Races with changing weather can be fun, but not if one can be victim of a bug and not change tyres properly.
The issue has been noted.

Carlos SUJETO medal 5000 9 years 276 days ago
Planification and setup page could be the cause.

Nate Furler medal 5000 9 years 275 days ago
This happened to me too, Clement!

Paulo Pereira medal 5000 9 years 162 days ago
That situation happenned to me to. It's very hard to maintain a good strategy when the game itself take control, avoiding to follow the unschedule instructions.
When it rains, the game don't accept the definitions of the unscheduled pit stop!
I'm loosing patience! :(

James Pinsker medal 5000 9 years 162 days ago
May have happened to me too.

James Pinsker medal 5000 9 years 161 days ago
What a coincidence, a guy had it happen to him today, just now, but I'm not complaining, it got me a podium!

Alain Prost medal 5000 9 years 161 days ago
Drop down menu for tyres will be off the screen and not visible and weather box not selected, was the weather strat set in pre race?

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 161 days ago
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Likely Wrong & Useless Info Below vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Advance strategy settings: if you have it set at 3mm millimeters of standing water, you will always have the right tyre for the conditions.
Follow weather strategy has to be ticked.
mm - wet - beaker - tyre
5mm - 1.00 - 4/4 - wet
4mm - 0.80 - 3/4 - wet
3mm - 0.60 - 2/4 - wet
2mm - 0.40 - 1/4 - inter
1mm - 0.20 - N/A - inter
:| it's what I have set and auto pit fits inters, wets & drys even I at the race :|